Nutrition Secrets and Health

Monday, May 24, 2010 ·

All of us want to stay healthy and fit. But very few actually become successful in doing so. But don’t worry. This article talks about some health and nutrition secrets which can save your life.Restrict Consumption of Alcohol: Excess consumption of alcohol damages liver, one of the important organs of our body. So try to limit your alcohol intake. The best option is to quit drinking. Otherwise, limit yourself to drinking on weekends only.nutrition fgp 266x300 Health and Nutrition Secrets for a Better LivingQuit Smoking: I will not ask you to reduce smoking. Just quit it. You know how harmful it is for your lungs and mouth. So stop smoking as soon as you can.Have a Healthy Diet: a healthy diet is the key to your success. Keep green vegetables and cereals in your daily meals. Avoid deep fried foods. Try having baked or grilled foods instead. Use low calorie foods whenever possible. Have colorful fruits and vegetables as these are rich in antioxidants.