Vitamin D Linked to Some Adverse Effects
15-minute workout at the gym helps keep you young as well as fit
Teeth Whitening Methodes
There are many reasons for the discoloration of teeth. Some of them are tea coffee, tobacco products and the list goes on. Since you are reading this article I guess you have already read my article on the Opalescence Teeth Whitening Gel. If not read the article here to know more about getting white teeth at home.
Various types of teeth require various types of treatment. In case of normal yellowish coloring one might try the products at home or go to a dentist for a whitening session. However incase of tough Stain one is recommended to go to a dentist or to use the product under guidance. In such cases one might require bleaching as well. But then again it is the patient’s choice.
The Opalescence teeth whitening system provides one which the option to choose whether he wants to get his teeth bleached or not. In this case a bleaching light is used. It’s known as a curing light, a dentist uses this to prepare the filling. In the system comes a device which gives out a special type of blue light. After the application of the gel the light is applied on the areas and thus we get better results.
Symptom Patterns showed Between Pandemic, Seasonal Flu in Singapore
Tropical climates may be least optimal for the survival of the influenza virus, according to background information in the article. In Singapore, the temperature ranges from 73 degrees to 95 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity from 48 percent to 100 percent throughout the year. The incidence of influenza peaks in June through July and November through January in Singapore, although cases can be detected throughout the year. In 2009, a new rapid detection method was designed to detect genes from the new influenza A(H1N1) virus and was used during a period of enhanced surveillance for influenza after global pandemic alerts were announced. Julian Wei-Tze Tang, Ph.D., M.R.C.P., M.R.C.Path., of National University Hospital, Singapore, and colleagues analyzed trends and symptoms among patients in Singapore during this period, from May to July 2009.
Home » General Health News Most Shapely Women in the World are British
British women are the most shapely in the world as they have bigger boobs and their backs are more slender, a new survey has found. The best-selling UK bra cup size is a curvy DD while the most common underbra size - the measurement around a woman's ribcage - is 34 inches, a global study has revealed.But while UK has the likes of 34D Geri Halliwell, 34DD Holly Willoughby and 34E Kelly Brook, other countries can average only a B cup.
In Germany and Italy that is combined with a 38-inch underbra size, in France it's B and 36 inches and in Japan and China B and 34 inches, the Triumph international 'Bra Usage and Attitude Study' found. "We might be getting fatter as a nation, but women's cleavages are expanding too. That's a challenge for bra manufacturers - but good news for British men," the Sun quoted nutritionist Lowri Turner as saying. The study also found the average British woman's chest and hips are now 4cm bigger than in the 1950s. The average woman is almost 2ins (5cm) taller at an average of 5ft 5ins and her weight has risen from 62kg to 65kg.
Nutrition Secrets and Health
Anaesthesia: after effect
Around 85% of patients who participated in a survey shortly after day surgery admitted to being anxious about receiving a general anaesthetic.Approx 17% of respondents stated that they were extremely anxious, 22% said they were quite anxious, 46% said they were a little anxious and 15% experienced no anxiety at all.
Major worries included dying while asleep, not waking up after surgical operation, waking up during surgery and anxiety while waiting to go into surgery or arriving at the theatre door.
Depression:away from sun causes
However, the study does not suggest that one should not apply sun screens and let skin burn but to keep in mind that small doses of unprotected sun exposure are vital.According to experts, we need about 20 minutes of sunlight a day to help bodies produce enough vitamin D, known as the "sunshine vitamin".(IANS)
Yoga Health Benefits
Yoga through meditation works remarkably to achieve harmony and helps the mind work in synchronization with the body. How often do we find that we are unable to perform our activities properly and in a satisfying manner because of the confusionsand conflicts in our mind weigh down heavily upon us?Stress is the number one suspect affecting all parts of our physical, endocrinal and emotional system. And with the help of yoga this things can be corrected.At the physical level, yoga and its cleansing practices have proven to be extremely effective for various health benefitsListed below are just some of the yoga health benefits that you can get.
Yoga Benefit 1: Yoga is known to increase flexibility; yoga has postures that trigger the different joints of the body. Including those joints that are not acted upon with regular exercises routines.
Yoga Benefit 2: Yoga also increases the lubrication of joints, ligament and tendons. The well-researched yoga positions exercise the different tendons and ligaments of the body.
It has also been found that the body which may have started doing yoga being a rigid one may experience a quite remarkable flexibility in the end on those parts of the body which have not been consciously worked upon.Yoga Benefit 3: yoga also massages all organs of the body. Yoga is perhaps the only exercise that can work on through your internal organs in a thorough manner, including those that hardly get externally stimulated during our entire lifetime.
Yoga Benefit 4: Yoga acts in a wholesome manner on the various body parts. This stimulation and massage of the organs in turn benefits us by keeping away disease and providing a forewarning at the first possible instance of a likely onset of
disease or disorder.One of the far-reaching yoga health benefits is the uncanny sense of awareness that it develops in the practitioner of an impending health disorder or infection. This in turn enables the person to take pre-emptive corrective action
Yoga Benefit 5: Yoga offers a complete detoxification of the body. It gently stretches the muscles and joints as we;; as massaging the various organs, yoga ensures the optimum blood supply to various parts of the body.
This helps in the flushing out of toxins from every nook and cranny of your body as well as providing nourishment up to the last point. This leads to benefits such as delayed ageing, energy and a remarkable zest for life.Yoga Benefit 6: Yoga is also an excellent way to tone your muscles. Muscles which have been flaccid and weak are stimulated repeatedly to shed excess fats and flaccidity.
But these enormous physical benefits are just a “side effect” of this powerful practice. What yoga does is harmonize the mind with the body and these results in real quantum benefits. For the best yoga positions and yoga exercises check out the secrets of yoga.It is now an open secret that the will of the mind has enabled people to achieve extraordinary physical feats, which proves beyond doubt the mind and body connection.
In fact yoga = meditation, because both work together in achieving the common goal of unity of mind, body and spirit which can lead to an experience of eternal bliss that you can only feel through yoga.The meditative practices through yoga help in achieving an emotional balance through detachment. This in turn creates a remarkable calmness and a positive outlook, which also has tremendous benefits on the physical health of the body.
Medical Tourism
According to a new report published by RNCOS, titled "Booming Medical Tourism in India" released in September 2009, medical tourism in India has emerged as the fastest growing segment of the tourism industry despite the global economic downturn. High cost of treatments in the developed countries, particularly the USA and UK, has been forcing patients from such regions to look for alternative and cost-effective destinations to get their treatments done. The Indian medical tourism industry is presently at a nascent stage, but has an enormous potential for future growth and development.
Advantages of Family Planning
Considering the population explosion, increasing inflation and scarcity of resources, the family trends have shifted to nuclear families with number of children limited to one or two. Family planning refers to the natural and artificial birth control methods that allow you to control the size of your family and the gap between your children.
Advantages of Family Planning
Family planning helps you prevent conception and reduce the risk of pregnancy. The biggest advantage of family planning tools is that they save you from the hassles of pregnancy termination and abortion. Adopting a family plan directly effects a woman's health in a good way by preventing unwanted and unplanned pregnancies and subsequent abortions. Restricting the family size allows more resources for bringing up your children and sustaining a family in a balanced way. Adopting family planning methods helps couples to let their children have a more focused upbringing, better education and other amenities.Family planning perspectives are being given serious thought worldwide, and so, important birth control FAQ are being referred more often than ever for effective family planning.
7 Ways to Stay Resilient
Every so often, life takes a swing at you, connects, and knocks you flat: Your company hires you a new boss, a guy so young you could be his mom. Instead of finding yourself on a plane to Spain for a long-planned holiday, you’re spending your vacation money paying the bills for an unexpected illness.
When these things happen—and happen they do—it’s hard to imagine ever coming out the other side.
But you can bounce back. (Yes, even if you’re still reeling from, say, discovering that your husband who claimed to be “hiking the Appalachian Trail” was off canoodling with a gorgeous Argentinian woman.)
You don’t need to pen a best-selling tell-all and commune with Oprah to get it out of your system, à la Jenny Sanford, nor do you have to be able to envision a future filled with sunshine and lollipops like the impossibly perky few who seem to be born with the resilience gene. But you can get to a place where you’re enjoying a few good laughs and happier moments—in short order, for that matter.
It’s true that some people are born with easygoing temperaments that make it easier to bounce back from life-shaking events, but even those who are thrown by upheavals can learn how to ratchet up their resilience skills, says Karen Reivich, PhD, a psychologist and co-director of the Penn Resiliency Project at the University of Pennsylvania. “There are many aspects of resilience that can be taught,” she says.
The next time you’re watching your luck circle the drain, try these seven steps to get through it and move on to a new chapter of your life.
Facts About Alzheimer’s Disease
About 4.5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. Unless a cure or prevention for the disease is found, this number is expected to increase as the population ages. While the disease can occur in individuals in their 30s and 40s, it is most prevalent among older individuals: about one in 10 persons 65 years of age and older and almost half of those 85 years of age and older develop Alzheimer’s Disease. More than 70% of those suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease live at home, where the majority of their care (75%) is provided by family and friends. The direct and indirect financial toll of Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S. is estimated to be least $100 billion a year.
What is Alzheimer’s disease?
Alzheimer’s disease is an incurable, progressive degenerative disease of the brain. It is the most common form of dementia. Alzheimer’s Disease, though, is not just memory loss. It is also a decline in the ability to think and understand. Consequent changes in personality are accompanied by an inability to function. The type, severity, sequence and progression of the mental changes vary widely among individuals. While it most frequently affects older individuals, Alzheimer’s disease is not a part of normal aging.
What are the symptoms/warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease?
Symptoms/warning signs of Alzheimer’s Disease can include the following:
- memory loss or unexplained confusion that interferes with daily activities
- difficulty in performing familiar tasks and chores
- problems speaking, understanding, reading or writing
- forgetting words or substituting inappropriate words
- disorientation to time and place (e.g., getting lost in familiar surroundings)
- poor or decreased judgment (e.g., wearing a winter coat on a hot summer day)
- problems with abstract thinking (e.g., difficulty balancing a checkbook)
- misplacing things in inappropriate places (e.g., putting the iron in the freezer)
- changes in mood or behavior (e.g., rapid mood swings for no apparent reason or cursing)
- drastic changes in personality (e.g., suspiciousness)
- lack of interest and involvement in usual activities
If several of these symptoms/warning signs are present, the person should be evaluated by a physician. Frequently, the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease, which include forgetfulness and loss of concentration, are mistakenly dismissed as normal signs of aging.
Latest Trends in Men’s Cosmetics
For many years the only time that men put on makeup was during plays. In fact men too conscious about their appearances were considered gay too. Men always wanted to look rough and tough but that would not be possible with makeup.
But as time passed we realized that putting up makeup wasn’t something that was exclusive only for women. Every maLatest Trend in Men’s Cosmeticsn has got a feminine side and every woman has got a man inside her. It’s time we knew this and acted accordingly. Putting up makeup not only makes one look good but also helps us to maintain our youth for a longer time. So why should women have all the fun. It time we enjoyed our beauty too.
If someone’s fashion conscious then he has to be careful in maintaining looks of his face, his hair scent etc and thus arises the market for masculine beauty products. In the present day we find nearly all female products having a corresponding masculine product for the same purpose. May it be a face wash or a fairness cream or hair styling gel or deodorant. All you have to do is search for the right brand and go for it.
Dehydration During Summer-Prevention
De-hydration is very common problem that many of us face during summer season. Dehydration can be avoided bysummer watermelon drink 300x276 How to Prevent Dehydration During Summer : Summer Care Tips intake of adequate amount of fluid. We should drink 3-4 liters of water everyday as it helps in hydrating our body. And it is beneficial to have two glasses of water before every meal. This helps to curb your appetite.Metabolism stops functioning properly if there is lack of intake of water everyday. A normal human body has approximately 2/3 water.Drink 8-16 ounce of water mixed with some lemon to keep yourself fresh and it helps to clean your system as well.
Determine your skin type......
Before you wash your face in the morning, press a large open tissue against your face, holding it in place for a few moments. Now hold the tissue up to the light. If it is completely clean, your skin is dry and possibly sensitive. If there is a trace of sebum, your skin is normal. If there is a clear T-shaped imprint of sebum from the nose and forehead you have combination skin. A complete print of your face is a sign of oily skin.
Handle Symptoms of Stress latest tips
Stress is one of those mental problems that are very common throughout the world and there would be no such person in the world that won’t have faced the stress circumstance in his/her life.
According to many medical experts stress is increasing nowadays because of the busy routines of the people in which they won’t have time for any kind of relaxation activity, doctors have also told that stress carries some very common physical and mental symptoms like headache, high blood pressure, heavy stomach, improper eating and others. There are some very effective ways by which you can keep the stress symptoms away from you and some of them have been discussed in this article so let’s have a look.
* Try to eat a proper balanced diet and stress releasing foods which will be including plenty of vegetables and fruits and according to some experts a healthy diet can offset the symptoms of stress and one of the after affects of stress is also that it causes too much or too little eating that results in effecting your health badly.
* Don’t burden yourself with so many activities that you can’t even handle but draw a limit to your potential ability and don’t try to cross the line as this activity can decrease the negative like irritability or anger.
Hair Curling Latest Ttips and Ideas
The curly bouncy hairs must be the favorite style of most of the girls along the world but getting the full voguish look is not so easy.
Hair CurlingCurling the hairs perfectly is an art which most of the girls feels quite difficult but the reality is that it is not so.
If you perform the procedure of curling with full attention and by knowing the actual procedure you can get the snazzy professional look for your hairs and thus can easily capture the eyes of other in any party.
In this some beauty care and beauty care tips have been stated that can help you in the procedure of curling your hairs.
* The curls look really adorable on the hairs with multiple layers so if you want to get some good curls for your hairs then you should go for the layered cutting on your hairs first.
* Before starting these curling activities make it sure that your hairs are free from all tangles and snags. Take some time to comb your hairs so well that no such snag or tangle remains in the hairs because if the snags are still in the hairs then they can’t get the proper look even after perfect curling.
* Curl on a small sections of hairs and it would be better to divide all the hairs into different small section. If you have started from right side of head then after completely curling that side, move on to the next one.
* Don’t touch the freshly curled hairs because at that time they are hot and your touching can affect the shape that is supposed to be obtained or the one which you are requiring.
* If you are planning to get curls over the entire head then going for hot rollers is the best choice that you can apply yourself or from some hair stylish.
* After curling the hairs apply a hair spray that will make the curls stay for a longer period of time.
* If you want to make a curl bit loose then apply a small amount of BioSilk to soft shiny finishing.
These were some of the tips that can help you in getting a perfect curly look for your hairs, if you want to get the natural curls that most of women have, then you can go for perms instead of light curling.